Questions and answers to common topics.


What is the Articles + app?

Articles + lets you bookmark and save news, blog or other stories for reading later. It doesn't simply save links to those pages you want to return to, it also downloads their content and converts it to a minimal format.

Read anything you saved later with just the essential text and images, without any headers, ads or clutter to get in the way.

Refer to the Get Started Guide for more information about the reader app.

How does Articles + compare to other Read It Later apps?

Articles + is intended as an alternative to other read-it-later apps such as Pocket or Instapaper. While similar in its functionalities, it however differs in many ways.

Articles + is focused on bookmarking text based content. It can capture news, blog or other stories with no hassle and stores your articles in your personal iCloud account. The reader's design is carefully crafted for such articles and offers custom styles for better readability and distraction-free reading.

Articles + does not collect or sell any personal information and won't try to promote you paid articles you don't want to read. It is the only private read it later app (as in it doesn't rely on advertising and user data) and it keeps your data safe.

  Articles + Pocket Instapaper
Text Supported Supported Supported
Videos Not Supported Supported Supported
Storage Apple iCloud Proprietary Server Proprietary Server
Advertisement Ad-Free Ads, Sponsored Content Ad-Free

Do I need to signup for an account?

No, like with Photos, Books or other Apple apps, you do not need to signup or login. Your personal iCloud account from that device is used. But you will need to be signed in on your device with the same Apple ID on all platforms.

All articles and annotations are stored securely in a private database in your iCloud account. Storage limits apply and depend on your corresponding plan.

Which platforms are supported?

Articles + is available for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Please note that you need to be signed in on your device with the same Apple ID on all platforms.

  iOS iPadOS macOS
Device iPhone iPad Mac
Operating System iOS 12+ iPadOS 12+ macOS 10.15+ (Catalina)
iCloud Account Personal iCloud account is required

Where can I download the app?

Articles + has been removed from sale and is no longer listed in the App Store.

While it's not possible for new users to install the app, you can re-download it from your history if you have previously installed the app. Refer to the Migrate FAQ for more details.

What is the Bookmark Extension?

The Articles + app comes bundled with a share extension, which integrates with any other iOS or Mac app. Save articles directly from e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Twitter, Medium or Reeder by using the bookmark extension.

See the Bookmark Extension Guide for how to enable and use the extension.

Which apps does the extension support?

The bookmark extension integrates with any browser or app that supports sharing either a web page or link. Below is a non-exhaustive list of such apps.

Share Page Safari, Twitter, ...
Share Link Chrome, Firefox, Brave Browser, Facebook, Medium, Reeder, Flipboard, Feedly, Newsify, News360, News Republic, The New York Times, CNN, BBC News ...

What is the Articles + Widget?

The Articles + app includes widgets to quickly view and open your latest, unread, favorite or random articles.

Refer to the Widgets Guide for how to enable and use the widget.

What is included in a Premium subscription?

Articles + is free to use and includes all basic features. Every setting, theme or preference is available and lets you try out the unrestricted reader.

A premium subscription offers additional or unlimited bookmarks per month.

Articles Plus 60 bookmarks per month $1
Articles Pro Unlimited bookmarks per month $3

Your purchase supports the further development of the app. Thanks!


What kind of websites can I bookmark?

Articles + is intended for bookmarking text based content. This means you can save almost any news or blog article for reading later.

It will however not work if you try to bookmark a site's home page, search results, videos, image galleries, consent screens, tweets or other non textual or non semantic pages. In this case, the content can not be determined.

When you bookmark a website, the corresponding page is saved to your device. But before an article appears in your library, it must be processed to extract its plain content. This happens automatically when the app is already running in the background, otherwise only at the next launch.

Why do some web pages have no content?

While many articles can be successfully extracted, the content of some web pages can not be determined.

In most cases, there is simply not enough text available to determine what the actual content is. If you for example try to bookmark a Twitter post, the 280 characters do not represent the main content of the overall page.

If a website has dynamically generated content, the web page source code does not contain any text. Such pages can only be bookmarked with the share extension in Safari, because it allows to directly store the generated page to your device. It will not work if you save a shared link or use a third-party browser like Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Brave.

When you bookmark links to newspaper articles, they often use tracking links or show some kind of consent screen. You would need to save the actual web page of the article instead, because such links or opt-in blockers can not be resolved automatically.

Another case where article extraction can fail are websites with outdated, non-standard or unstructured formats. For pages without semantic markup, it is simply not possible to determine what the actual content is. If text is contained in div or span elements instead of paragraphs, a parser can not know its meaning.

Why are some images not loaded?

When saving an article, text as well as images are processed and converted to a minimal format.

Like with text paragraphs, images need to be formatted according to official standards as well. In case a website uses non-standard or unstructured formats, such non-semantic images can not be loaded.

Many websites also use so called "lazy loading" images, which are only downloaded when scrolled into view. Articles + supports such images as well, but only if they are implemented according to certain standards. If a website uses some other custom made image loading, it is not possible to determine an image's source.

Can I bookmark protected websites?

In contrast to other read it later apps, Articles + allows to also save password or paywall protected pages.

This is however only possible when bookmarking from Safari or integrated in-app browsers, as in this case the page is directly stored on your local device. If you save a shared link or use a third-party browser, a protected url can not always be successfully resolved.


What is a Premium subscription?

Articles + is free to use and includes all basic features. Every setting, theme or preference is available and lets you try out the unrestricted reader.

A premium subscription offers additional or unlimited bookmarks per month.

  Free Plus Pro
Themes all all all
Features all all all
Bookmarks (month) 30 60 unlimited

Please note that articles and annotations are stored in your personal iCloud account. Storage limits apply and depend on your corresponding plan.

What types of subscription plans are available?

There are two different monthly subscriptions available.

Articles Plus 60 bookmarks per month $1
Articles Pro Unlimited bookmarks per month $3

Articles + is an independent app, your purchase supports the further development.

How do I purchase a subscription?

Open the Articles + app and navigate to Account > Subscriptions and select one of the available plans. When you buy a subscription, you are doing so through Apple’s App Store and you are agreeing to their terms and conditions.

Payments will be charged to your credit card of your Apple account. Subscriptions will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. To end a subscription, disable auto-renewal and allow the current period to end. It will not be possible to immediately cancel a subscription. Refunds are not available for unused portions of a subscription.

How do I change a subscription?

You can upgrade or downgrade an existing subscription. For an upgrade, the new purchase is charged and goes into effect immediately, whereas a downgrade will take place at the next reneval date.

To change your subscription:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Tap iTunes & App Store.
  3. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap View Apple ID when the pop up window appears.
  5. Enter your Apple ID password or fingerprint ID when prompted.
  6. Tap Subscriptions.
  7. Tap the subscription that you want to manage.
  8. Use the options to manage your subscription.

How do I cancel a subscription?

To end a subscription, disable auto-renewal and allow the current period to end. It will not be possible to immediately cancel a subscription. Refunds are not available for unused portions of a subscription.

To cancel your subscription:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Tap iTunes & App Store.
  3. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap View Apple ID when the pop up window appears.
  5. Enter your Apple ID password or fingerprint ID when prompted.
  6. Tap Subscriptions.
  7. Tap the subscription you want to cancel.
  8. Tap Cancel Subscription.
  9. Confirm when prompted to cancel your subscription.

What to do when you can't buy or restore a subscription?

In-app purchases are handled by Apple's App Store. When you buy an in-app purchase, you are doing so through their store. Developers do not have access or can assist you with any issues.

If you can not buy or restore a purchase:

  • Verify your App Store account settings
  • Make sure your device is connected to the Internet
  • Update your device to the latest available operating system

If it doesn't work on your device, you can try to either:

  • Retry sometimes later
  • Close and restart the app
  • Close all apps and restart your device
  • Logout/login from your App Store account
  • Uninstall and then reinstall the app once again

When a purchase can't be restored you can also attempt to "buy" the same item again. It should show a message saying "You’ve already purchased this. Would you like to get it again for free?". In that case, tap on OK to unlock the premium edition.

In case of problems with an in-app purchase, please refer to Apple's official documentation or contact Apple Support if you still can't buy or restore a purchase.

Buy an in-app purchase:

Restore an in-app purchase:

Manage your payment method:

App Store connection issues:

Request a refund:

How can I get a refund for a subscription?

If you experience a problem, you can request a refund directly from Apple. You'll need to have a valid reason for the request, like if you bought the subscription by accident or in case it is not working. Developers do not have access nor can issue any refund related to Apple iTunes purchases.

To request a refund from Apple:

  1. Go to Apple's problem reports page:
  2. Login with your Apple ID.
  3. Select the Apps tab.
  4. Select Report a Problem to the right of the purchase you want a refund for.
  5. Click on Choose Problem and select your problem from the menu.
  6. Enter details about your problem and then submit.

You should hear back from Apple within a few days to a week with whether your request for a refund is approved.


Apple iCloud

Articles + keeps your bookmarks, annotations and tags stored securely in Apple’s iCloud. Every time you change something on one device, it’s synced to all your other devices. Always have the latest version, when you start reading on your iPad or Mac and continue on your iPhone on the go.

All data is stored in a private database in your personal iCloud account. Storage limits apply and depend on your corresponding plan. Please note that you need to be signed in on your device with the same Apple ID on all platforms.

iCloud Synchronisation

When iCloud synchronisation is enabled, changes to articles, annotations and tags are automatically synced to all connected devices.

Devices are notified of changes by silent push notifications. This requires Background App Refresh to be enabled for Articles + in Settings > General > Background App Refresh. As a fallback or if you do not want to enable automatic refreshing, a periodic sync fetches changes in regular intervals.

In most cases, synchronisation happens automatically and within minutes. But since notifications are not guaranteed to be always delivered or can be turned off, you might not see updates until the next periodic sync. In case changes are not transferred automatically, you can also use «pull-to-refresh» for a manual synchronisation.

iCloud Issues

Apple's iCloud service is used to store and sync your library. It's a secure and (in most cases) reliable service, but problems can occur. It is unfortunately not possible for developers to find out why something does not work for certain users.

Make sure iCloud is setup and working:

  • Verify you are signed in:
    Settings > Apple ID
  • Verify iCloud and iCloud Drive is enabled:
    Settings > Apple ID > iCloud Drive
    Settings > Apple ID > iCloud Drive > Articles
  • Verify network connection is available (no flight mode, vpn etc.):
    Settings > Network

If iCloud can't be enabled or your library is not synced:

  • Try again later
    → Maybe iCloud is temporarily unavailable
  • Relaunch the app
    → This should refresh iCloud synchronization
  • Restart your device
    → This should relaunch iCloud system services
  • Uninstall/reinstall the app
    → This should reinitialise iCloud zones and records
  • Logout/login from your Apple iCloud account (at your own risk):
    → This should reconnect your device and iCloud account

If iCloud storage or sync still does not work it's most likely a problem with your device or account. iCloud is a service provided by Apple, please refer to their documentation or contact Apple support for any iCloud related issues.

Apple iCloud Support:

iCloud Errors

Articles + uses Apple’s iCloud to store and sync your library. Apple’s iCloud is a secure and (in most cases) reliable service, but problems can occur during synchronisation.

For general problems with iCloud, please refer to Apple’s official support:

Below you find a list of the most common iCloud issues. Most problems are recoverable (e.g. no network), but some of them are fatal and require to re-enable synchronisation.

Recoverable Problems
Authentication Sign in on your device to your iCloud account with correct user/password. Verify that iCloud Drive is enabled.
Network Check your internet connection and try again.
Service Apple’s iCloud is currently not available, retry later.
Operation Another operation is already in progress, retry later.
Fatal Problems
Cloud Error Setup of iCloud is somehow not correct. Follow the given description.
Storage Quota There is no more space left in your personal iCloud account. You will need to get more storage space or delete unused data.
Deleted Zone iCloud records and data have been manually deleted by a user from the settings.

In case of a fatal error, it is generally best to disable iCloud synchronisation for that particular device and enable it again after you fixed the problem. Since your data is stored in your local library and on Apple’s iCloud, the affected device should sync up again without any lost information.


External Devices

Articles + supports external devices like keyboard, mouse or trackpads to navigate and perform common actions.

When you connect a mouse or trackpad to your iPad, a circular pointer appears on the display. Move the mouse or swipe on the trackpad just as you would with a desktop or notebook computer.

Refer to Apple's documentation to learn how to connect or use a Bluetooth wireless device with your iPad.

Connect a mouse or trackpad:

Use a Bluetooth mouse or trackpad:


Connecting a Bluetooth accessory to your iPad requires iPadOS 13.4.

Please note that not all devices are supported by Apple and certain features may not be available. For example, iPadOS doesn't support scrolling or other gestures with Apple Magic Mouse (1st generation) or Magic Trackpad (1st generation).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts help you make efficient use of Article + reader features. You can e.g. go to the next page by using the arrow keys or create notes or copy selected text.

With a keyboard connected to your iPad, hold down the command key (⌘) for about two seconds and a window will pop up listing the available shortcuts on that screen.

Space SPACE Continue.
Arrow Right Go to next page.
Arrow Left Go to previous page.
Shift + Command + Arrow Right ⇧ ⌘ ⭢ Open next article.
Shift + Command + Arrow Left ⇧ ⌘ ⭠ Open previous article.
Arrow Up Scroll up on a page.
Arrow Down Scroll down on a page.
Shift + Command + N ⇧ ⌘ N Create a note.
Shift + Command + H ⇧ ⌘ H Create a highlight.
Command + C ⌘ C Copy selected text.
Command + D ⌘ D Define selected words.
Command + F ⌘ F Find a term by search.
Command + I ⌘ I Import an article.
Command + R ⌘ R Refresh your library.

Context Actions

Shortcuts for common tasks like notes, highlights or copy are available as context actions as well.

When a mouse or trackpad is connected, handling selected text works differently than when using touch gestures. Like on a Mac, you will need to first select some text using the cursor and then right click (control click) on the selection to show the available context menu.

How to right-click:


How to use Quick Note?

Apple introduced a new productivity feature on iPadOS 15+ and macOS 12+ called Quick Note that aims to provide a quicker way to jot down things without you having to go in and out of the Notes app. When you activate it, the Notes app quickly opens and is available immediately.

You can bring up a floating Quick Note window on iPad using your finger or an Apple Pencil by swiping diagonally up from the bottom right corner of the screen. On Mac, Quick Note is implemented as a Hot Corner function. Pick a corner of the screen and move the cursor to that corner to trigger it.

Tap on the note brings up the virtual keyboard and you can begin typing. Quick Note also detects the app you are using and will show an Add Link button at the top of the editor window to insert a link to the current content.

When you are back on that content, a thumbnail of the note you saved before appears. Tap or click the preview to show your note. Likewise, selecting a previously added Quick Note link will open the corresponding content inside an app.

Additional information about Quick Note for iPad and Mac is available here:
MacRumours: How to Use Quick Note (iPadOS)
Macworld: How to use Quick Note (macOS)

How does Articles + integrate with Quick Note?

Articles + supports to add Quick Note links to articles or annotations.

When reading an article, activate Quick Note to add a link back to the current content. If you select text and create a native annotation, the Add Link button allows to insert a reference to your note or highlight inside the app. To create a link for an existing annotation, tap the annotation and the Quick Note link button changes to the selected highlight.

Afterwards, if you come back to an article with an associated Quick Note, a thumbnail appears which lets you access your note. Or you can select a link you added to Quick Note to open the article or annotation inside Articles + again.

How can I add or export Quick Notes?

With Articles +, you can select text to create native annotations and export them from your library in text, markdown or json format.

At the moment, third-party apps can not directly add Quick Notes or have access to content inside Apple's Notes app. It is therefore not supported to add selected text or highlights to Quick Note and annotation export will not include your notes.


How can I use Apple Shortcuts?

A shortcut is a quick way to get one or more tasks done with your apps. The Apple Shortcuts app lets you create your own shortcuts with multiple steps.

Articles + includes shortcuts to bookmark, list articles or annotations and export them in text, markdown or json format. All actions are available directly in the Apple Shortcuts app with iOS 16+ and can be freely combined with other ones.

Bookmark Bookmark article for reading later.
Find Article List all articles or filter by properties (date, title, tags, ...).
Export Article Save article metadata in text, markdown or json format.
Find Annotation List all annotations or filter by properties (date, tags, ...).
Export Annotation Save annotation metadata in text, markdown or json format.

How can I use Shortcuts to bookmark articles?

The Bookmark shortcut allows to save an article for reading later. This action requires a url for input, that can be entered when running the shortcut or set from a variable of a previous step.

Bookmark article (example)

  1. Add Bookmark shortcut
  2. Set url or run to input a link

How can I use Shortcuts to export articles?

Individual articles can be exported in text, markdown or json format with the Export Article shortcut. When using the Find Article shortcut, you can also get a filtered list of articles to automate saving metadata and annotations of all your bookmarks.

Export article (example)

  1. Add Export Article shortcut
  2. Choose a format (text, markdown, json)
  3. Choose one or run to select from latest

Export all articles (example)

  1. Add Find Article shortcut
  2. Optional: Add Filter (date, title, tag, ...)
  3. Add Repeat with Each action after list output
  4. Add Export Article shortcut for Repeat Item inside the loop
  5. Use the Files app Save File action to save the export to e.g. iCloud Drive

Please note that exporting all articles only works with iOS 16.2+. Most likely this is an issue in Apple's Shortcuts app ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How can I use Shortcuts to export annotations?

You can export selected annotations in text, markdown or json format with the Export Annotation shortcut. The Find Annotation shortcut lets you get a filtered list of annotations that can be used to for example synchronize your notes and highlights with external services like Readwise.

Export annotation (example)

  1. Add Export Annotation shortcut
  2. Choose a format (text, markdown, json)
  3. Choose one or run to select from latest

Export all annotations (example)

  1. Add Find Annotation shortcut
  2. Optional: Add Filter (date, title, tag, ...)
  3. Add Repeat with Each action after list output
  4. Add Dictionary and set properties from Repeat Item inside the loop
  5. Create new Dictionary action to save the export output in the required format

How you structure or upload highlights depends on the service. Refer to their documentation to learn more:


For example for the Readwise API, you could save the generated annotations.json file and then upload it using the following Mac terminal curl command:

curl -is -X POST https://readwise.io/api/v2/highlights/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Token READWISE_API_TOKEN" \
-d @annotations.json

How do I use Shortcuts to upload highlights to Readwise?

With Shortcuts, annotation export and upload to external services can be automated. Here is an example for Readwise, but the same concepts can be used for other APIs as well. This shortcut is available for download as a template.

Readwise highlights (example)

  1. Add Find Annotation shortcut with the following options:
    Sort by created or modified, order by latest, limit to 30
  2. Add Choose from List action to select some or all annotations
  3. Add a Repeat with Each action for the Chosen Items afterwards
  4. For each item, create a Dictionary with the highlight attributes
  5. Use a Count script action to determine the number of items in Repeat Results
  6. For a single annotation, create a Text object with the highlights structure containing the result
  7. Otherwise, set the highlights Dictionary array and use the Get Text from Input action to convert it
  8. Insert another Text to capture the If Result used as input for the next step
  9. Use a Get Contents of URL action and configure it to upload the highlights:
    POST request to Readwise highlights endpoint
    Request body type File set to the Text contents
    Headers for json content type and authorization token

In summary, the shortcut transforms your annotations to the required json structure and uploads it to the Readwise highlights API endpoint. The text conversion is a workaround, because the Get Contents action somehow does not accept dictionaries for json body type inputs. This solution is based on the custom json payload approach published in Alex W.'s blog.

Readwise Highlights Shortcut

You can download the Readwise highlight shortcut as a template and adjust it to your needs. This shortcut is provided as is without warranty of any kind.

  1. Download Shortcut template:
    Articles Readwise Template.shortcut
  2. Open in Shortcuts app, you might need to allow untrusted:
  3. Edit the template to replace READWISE_API_TOKEN with your token:

Where can I find more information about Shortcuts?

For other questions or more details about Shortcuts, please refer to Apple's official documentation and support.

Shortcuts User Guide:


How do I use Siri?

Siri can show your most recent articles. Simply ask: "Hey Siri, show my bookmarks list in Articles".

Siri will respond by showing your most recent bookmarks. Tap on an entry to view the article's abstract or open it in the app to continue reading.

Language Phrase
English Show my bookmarks list in Articles.
German Zeige mir meine Lesezeichen Liste in Articles.
French Affiche ma liste de signets dans Articles.
Spanish Muéstrame mi lista de marcadores en Articles.
Italian Mostra la mia lista dei segnalibri di Articles.

How can I use Siri Shortcuts?

Each time you access an article, it is automatically donated as a Siri Shortcut. Siri learns your routines and can suggest articles on the Lock screen or in Search.

You can also run shortcuts by recording a personal phrase. On your iOS device, go to Settings > Siri & Search > All Shortcuts. There you will find all donated Shortcuts. Tap + to record your personalised phrase, which you then can use to run this shortcut.

In addition, all shortcuts are also available in Apple's Shortcuts app. When creating a custom shortcut, you can find them under Search > Apps > Articles or by searching for a specific article title.

What can I do if Siri is not working?

Siri and Shortcuts are only supported on devices running iOS 12 or later.

Verify that Siri is enabled by going to Settings > Siri & Search. Toggle either Listen for "Hey Siri" or Press Side Button for Siri to enable Siri on your device.

Also make sure you granted Articles + permission to share data with Siri. Check the Use with Siri switch in Settings > Apps > Articles > Siri.

If Siri does not recognize your phrase, try to emphasize it slowly or correct it manually. After some time, Siri will learn to better understand your intended invocation.

Where can I find more information about Siri?

For other questions about Siri, please consult Apple's documentation and support.

Use Siri on all your Apple devices:

If Siri or "Hey Siri" isn't working:

Use Siri Shortcuts:

Various Topics

How do I turn off location settings?

Location settings work in a somewhat non-intuitive way. As long as an app has not yet requested your permission, it will not be listed in your device settings and it can not be disabled. Settings only allow to change your preferences later.

The first time an app tries to access your location, it must ask for your permission. Apps won't use your location until they have asked for your permission and you grant permission.

In case you have not used this feature, you would need to first open an article and create an annotation. This will show the corresponding location permission dialog: tap on "Don't allow" and it should be disabled in settings.

Likewise, if you have already granted the location permission and changed your mind, you can update your preferences from Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Scroll down to find the app, tap the app and select an option.

For more details, see Apple Support:
Turn Location Services on or off
About privacy and Location Services

How do I uninstall the app?

You can uninstall Articles + like any other app on your iPhone, iPad or Mac.

On your iPhone or iPad, touch and hold an app from the home screen until all apps start to jiggle. Tap the remove icon in the upper-left corner of the app and confirm deletion.

If you have enabled the Cloud Library, data will still be stored in your personal iCloud account. In case you want to completely remove everything, you will need to manually delete it from the device settings.

Please note that this action can not be undone and will delete your articles from all synced devices:
Device Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > Manage Storage > Articles: Delete Data

On your Mac, move the Articles.app from the Applications folder to the trash. Local data will still be stored in the app's container.

Open Finder or the Terminal to manually delete it:

Known Issues

Text Selection

Articles + uses Apple's default text selection, which can sometimes be unreliable. The behaviour (and issues) are the same as when you for example select text in Safari browser.

What usually works best is to:

  1. Long press on an individual word
  2. Adjust the selection handles afterwards

There will likely be some optimizations in an upcoming iOS platform update. Please report this issue directly to Apple for it to be prioritized:

Context Menu (Mac)

On macOS, you can right click text to get a context menu to create highlights or notes. But this no longer works on macOS Monterey because of a system level issue that can't be fixed.

It kind of works again on Ventura, but shows all menu entries instead of only the current. Please note that "Look up" and "Translate" are not available on macOS because this feature is somehow not supported on that platform.

It is recommended to use the toolbar or keyboard shortcuts for highlights/notes:

External Monitor (Mac 11.4+)

Due to a bug in macOS 11.4+, layout rendering for some Mac Catalyst apps no longer works as expected when an external monitor is connected. While the correct content is initially displayed, it breaks the more you scroll or change a page.

According to Apple, a system-level fix is required. It should now work again with macOS 12, but unfortunately a patch for macOS 11 will not be released.

There is no workaround available and you will need to either update to macOS 12 or disconnect external displays. Please report this problem directly to Apple:

App Migration

Where can I download the new app?

Atode is published on Apple's App Store. You can download it for free for your iPhone, iPad and Mac.

App Store:

What is different with the new app?

Atode is basically the version 2 of the Articles + app. It's still the same read-it-later app to bookmark and save website content such as news or blog posts.

The main difference is how data is stored. Articles + saved the website's text including all images and other assets in iCloud. While this allowed to read complete articles even when the original website was no longer available, it can take up a lot of space in your iCloud account. Saving many bookmarks was simply not reasonable because you might run out of iCloud storage.

Atode still saves all articles and annotations in your personal iCloud account. However, only the essential text, which significantly reduces the storage space required. Website resources like images are requested on demand and only saved on your local device. You can also purge all stored downloads to free up disk space. But the downside is that some images may no longer be available afterwards.

Atode now also saves your bookmarks in case the article content could not be extracted. This way you can try again later if for example access is not possible behind a paywall. Or at least you have the link saved as a bookmark and can open the original website.

Are there any new features?

The Atode app has been completely redesigned and has a new and more modern user interface. Library management has been improved and you can also organize your articles in custom folders in addition to tags or use batch editing to mark multiple entries as read.

The app also includes many new Shortcuts. For example, you can get your current article, export it together with all annotations in text/markdown/json format, save article content as plain text and markdown or directly upload highlights to the Readwise service. Take a look at the Shortcuts FAQ for more details.

Apart from that, it still has all the previous features. Read anything you saved later in an optimized format with custom styles for better readability and distraction-free reading. Simply select text to take notes or highlight favorite sections or copy, define, lookup and translate text.

You can bookmark articles with the Share Extension or Safari Web Extension, open articles and quotes with the Widgets, use Apple Quick Note to jot down things or build your own Shortcuts.

For more details, see the guides and FAQs on the new website's support page.

But why is it a new app?

Why a new app you ask? Because New is always better ;)

On a more serious note, there has been an issue with iCloud containers where it showed up as an incorrect app in the device settings. Users understandably deleted it and lost all their data. This bug has been recently fixed by Apple, but I had already started on the new app.

Another problem is that Articles + was also published on the Mac App Store as a Catalyst app. I had decided to no longer maintain it, but it's not possible to remove it. Once you’ve had a Catalyst version approved and published to the Mac App Store, there is apparently no method to remove that version from sale.

Atode is also available for Mac, but it's now just an Apple silicon app. It's essentially the same as the iPad app, with some optimizations for macOS to provide a better user experience. But this avoids to maintain two different platforms.

How can I migrate my articles?

Direct migration of articles from the old to the new app is not supported, because data is stored in a different format. But you can export a list of all your articles and re-import them in the Atode app.

Articles + Export

  1. Open the Articles + app
  2. Tap on Library to open the sidebar
  3. Tap on Settings at the bottom left
  4. Navigate to Settings and scroll to the Data section
  5. Tap on Export articles and save them as a CSV or JSON file

Atode Batch Import

  1. Open the Atode app
  2. Tap on Library to open the sidebar
  3. Tap on Settings at the bottom left
  4. Navigate to Account and scroll to the Services section
  5. Tap on Batch import bookmarks to open the the batch import screen
  6. On the Batch Import screen, tap on Open to load the CSV or JSON file
  7. Verify the list of articles, swipe left to delete any you don't want to import
  8. Tap on Import to start downloading your articles

Batch import is limited to max. 50 articles at a time. To add more, split your bookmarks into multiple batches. It might be easier to cleanup your list of articles with a text editor before you import them.

Import will download the article again from the corresponding website. If a website or article is no longer available or accessible on the internet, it unfortunately can't be imported anymore.

Atode limits the number of bookmarks in the free version to max. 30 per month. If you need more to migrate your articles and don't want to upgrade to the premium edition, you can request a temporary increase from support:
Atode App > Left Sidebar > Settings (bottom left) > Support > Send Feedback

How can I migrate my annotations?

Articles and annotations are stored in a different format. Unfortunately, annotations can't be migrated to the new app. You still have access to your highlights and notes in the Articles + app or you can also export them in text, markdown or json format.

Annotation Export

  1. Open the Articles + app
  2. Tap on the context actions (3 dots) or long press an article
  3. Select Options > Export to choose text, markdown or json format
  4. Save the annotations with Save to Files or any other share sheet action

Export can also be automated with Apple's Shortcut app using the Export Article action. Refer to the Shortcuts FAQ for more details about how to export individual or all articles together with their annotations.

How can I delete my data?

If you no longer need the Articles + app, you can delete the app and all it's data.

First make sure that you migrated or exported all your articles and annotations. Then you will need to manually delete content from the app and all app data stored in your iCloud account.

Delete app content

  1. Open the Articles + app
  2. In the library, switch to batch editing mode (pencil button)
  3. Select all articles and tap on Delete in the bottom toolbar
  4. Uninstall the app

Some data will still be stored in your iCloud account. In case you want to completely remove everything, you can manually delete it from the device settings.

Please note that this action can't be undone and will delete your articles from all synced devices. It's recommended to first uninstall the app from all your devices.

Delete iCloud data

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Tap on your Apple Account at the top
  3. Navigate to iCloud > Manage Storage > Articles +
  4. Choose to Delete Data from iCloud

What will happen when the service is shutdown?

The service will be discontinued later in 2025. After that, you will no longer be able to create new bookmarks.

With the old Articles + app, you can still access your articles and annotations at any time. All articles, annotations and tags are stored in a private database in your personal iCloud account. Using the legacy app will not be impacted by the service shutdown.

How can I re-install the Articles + app?

Articles + has been removed from sale and is no longer listed in the App Store. While it's not possible for new users to install the app, you can re-download it from your history.

You can view and redownload the apps you purchased with your Apple account. Re-downloading an app requires that you have previously installed the app with the same Apple account.

Redownload Articles +

  1. Open the App Store app
  2. Tap the account profile picture on top right and select Apps
  3. Scroll down or search for the Articles + app
  4. Tap the download button to install the app again

View and redownload your apps: