Articles + App

Articles +
Bookmark and save articles for reading later.
Save news, blog or other articles directly from Safari or any other browser and app. Read everything you saved later with just the essential text and images, without any ads or clutter to get in the way.
Save articles with just a click from Safari or any other browser and app with the bookmark extension. Articles + doesn't simply save links to those pages you want to return to. It also downloads their content and converts it to a minimal format.
Read anything you saved later in an optimized format with custom styles for better readability and distraction-free reading. All content is stored on your device, so it even works offline.
The reader's design is carefully crafted for articles and offers custom styles for better readability and distraction-free reading.
Choose your favorite theme, reader mode (day, sepia, night, black), select a preset or custom font size or choose between scroll and page options. The fluid layout dynamically adjusts all text properties and margins depending on your device and preferred styles, giving you an optimal reading experience.
While reading, simply select text to take notes or highlight favorite sections. Search inside articles to quickly find anything you are looking for. Favor, tag or archive articles, share them via email or export an article including annotations in text, markdown or json format.


All your articles and annotations are stored securely in Apple's iCloud, there is no external account required.
Keep all your articles safe and at hand on whatever device. Every time you add a bookmark, annotation or tag, it's synced to all your other devices. Always have the latest version, when you start reading on your iPad or Mac and continue on your iPhone on the go.
In contrast to other read it later apps, Articles + does not collect or sell any personal information. And it keeps your data private.

The basic edition is free to use and includes all features. You can bookmark 30 articles each month at no cost.
Upgrade to a premium subscription for more or unlimited bookmarks per month.
- Articles Plus: 60 bookmarks per month
- Articles Pro: Unlimited bookmarks per month
Articles + is an independent app, your purchase supports the further development.
What Users Say
"A simple useful and free basic bookmarking app that was missing on the market. It just does what you need to do in a fast and clean way (i.e., saving links, add tags and research by tags)."
"This is more than great! I tried so many “read it later” apps, this is the only one that can capture all the content with no hassle. Plus it has highlighter and notes features, and it’s free to save up to 30 articles a month."
"This app is genuinely exciting. It is the only private read it later app (as in it doesn't rely on advertising and user data). It is delightfully designed, with some really nice touches. It gives readers an independent alternative to the bigger players in the Read-it-later space."
"The app caught me with its cleanliness, beautiful typography, iCloud sharing, and multiple search and annotation capabilities. The app feels much more responsive and more lightweight than Pocket, stores your articles and annotations in iCloud, and won’t try to promote you paid articles you don’t want to read."
"I never make a review but this app is just what you need. It’s less complicated than Pocket or Instapaper, but powerful enough for what we all need: some place to save better, read better and use better."
"This app will save a lot of time and keep you in the loop. It’s usefulness is the ability to keep a article as long as you wish while having it at your fingertips."